Wing size that matters?

Wing size that matters? 

 Have you ever noticed wingspans of aircrafts, especially the new generation aircrafts' have been getting larger and larger? Do you really believe that "wing size matters”. Probably, one of the main reasons having a larger/longer wingspan on new generation aircrafts is just because they are much more fuel efficient even tough bigger wings means heavier aircraft. They create a great fuel efficiency because they are much more enabled to generate more powerful lift. According to the Boeing Company, their new 777X twin-engine aircraft will undercut its competitors in both fuel consumption and operating costs per seat.

Firstly let’s begin with the fuel efficiency. In order to create a full efficiency they should be lighter and should be creating more aerodynamics. Well, traditionally bigger and longer wingspans mean heavier wings and aircrafts however new generation aircrafts have carbon-fiber composition wings.

As this carbon-fiber composite equipment’s has changed the age of the aviation, it has contributed to having lighter but stronger wings. As you may assume, as wings get lighter, wingspans get longer and bigger which contributed to the fuel efficiency significantly. But, what are the limits for having bigger wingspan, more specifically how industry leading airlines companies use this competitive advantage?

We had first experienced this issue while Airbus’s first jumbo jet A380 was being created. Airbus has created double deck aircraft however suddenly faced with a great difficulty to have a very long and large wings, which were not suitable to operate to in even main airports. When the project drawings were just getting to rubbish bin, then a very creative idea come up, to watch Mother Nature. Airbus decided to watch big birds such as hawks and eagles by attaching many small camera to their heads and wings. Then finally created the flexible wings. Industry leaders think that they have used the most opportunities to use larger wings.

 However, the whole industry has been waiting Boeing’s new generation 777x’s flexible new wings impatiently. According to the current project, it has a 235-foot wingspan, which will be one of the largest in the industry. Recently, Popular Science Magazine has chosen the 777X program as "Best of What's New" in the aerospace category.

 I am going to compare the new generation aircrafts's wingspans and their cost per seat. Then we will be having greater framework to analyse if size really matters. Thank you for reading.


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