Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is an upcoming American superhero film featuring Batman and Superman, directed by Zack Snyder. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be the first live-action film to feature both Batman and Superman. The film was announced at 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, after the release of Man of Steel. Batman v Superman is scheduled to be released on March, 2016. What is related with this exciting film for aviation industry and aviation enthusiasts is that Turkish Airlines is one the sponsors and the airline will have a special livery on one of the Boeing 777s. According to the local media, one side of the Boeing 777-300 ER will be wearing Batman while the other side wearing Superman. Turkish Airlines’ CEO has announced that one the clues of the film will be decoded on board of the airlines’ Boeing 777 aircrafts. What else has been reported that inside the trailer, there was a Turkish Airlines plane on the tarmac which means...
Turkish Airlines' New Boeing 777-300ER Routes. Turkish Airlines currently has 23 Boeing 777-300 ER aircraft in its fleet and has many orders to be delivered until 2020. The 24th aircraft which is going to be the airline's 300th aircraft has been already painted and waiting for the delivery. Turkish Airlines' captain pilot Tanser Akinci has been assigned to accept the delivery within this week. The captain is now in Seattle and sending the brand new aircraft photos to his followers during the final review schedule prior to delivery. In addition to these new brand Boeing 777s, Turkish Airlines executives have reached an agreement with Kenya Airways to buy some additional Boeing 777s. Airbus A330s are replaced with Boeing 777-300 ERs The Airline will replace their Airbus a330-300 operations with Boeing 777-300 ERs. In the high-season; -Istanbul Ataturk - Delhi A330-330 operation will be replaced with Boeing 777....
Airbus A321 NEO İlk Uçuşunu Gerçekleştiriyor. Bugün Airbus’ın tarihinde önemli günlerden bir tanesi. Çünkü, tek koridorlu en büyük uçaklardan A321’in yeni motorlu ve geliştirilmiş kabin dizaynı ve daha fazla koltuk kapasitesine sahip yeni nesil uçağu ilk kez havalanacak Airbus’tan yapılan açıklamada, ilk uçuşun Hamburg’tan yapılacağı ve 5 personeli taşıyacağı ve belirli spesifik testlerin yapılacağı ifade edildi. Özellikle yeni motorların performansı test edilecek. CFM motorlar ile gerçekleştirilecek ilk uçuşta, CFM International Leap-1A motorları test edilecek ve bu yeni nesil motorların performansı oldukça merak ediliyor. Bilindiği üzere, bu konuda duayen olan Pratt & Whitney de bu motorlar üzerinde çalışıyor ve iki dev şirket arasında ciddi bir rekabet söz konusu. Özellikle belirlenen programın sarkmaması için her iki şirket de yoğun baskı altında çalışıyor. Airbus halihazırda 1 aylık gecikme yaşandığını ilan etmişti. CFM tarafından yapılan açıklamada, firma...
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